Thursday, April 8, 2010

April is Autism Awareness Month

In honor of Autism Awareness month here are some facts and statistics on autism: 

  • 1 percent of the population of children in the U.S. ages 3-17 have an autism spectrum disorder.
  • Prevalence is estimated at 1 in 110 births.
  • 1 to 1.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder.
  • Fastest-growing developmental disability; 1,148% growth rate.
  • 10 - 17 % annual growth.
  • $60 billion annual cost.
  • 60% of costs are in adult services.
  • Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention.
  • In 10 years, the annual cost will be $200-400 billion.
  • 1 percent of the adult population of the United Kingdom have an autism spectrum disorder.
  • The cost of autism over the lifespan is 3.2 million dollars per person.  
You may read this today and not know anyone who is affected by autism, but chances are with its prevalence growing you will someday.  Every time you roll your eyes at someone who has a child who is out of control at the supermarket take and minute and stop to think that maybe that child has autism and the parents are doing everything they can to cope and deal...and get groceries.