In my graduate work and career I have met some of the most genuine and hard-working SLPs. People who lose sleep over their patients and dedicate their lives to helping others. I thought why not ask some of these fantastic folks..."what do you find yourself saying over and over to families...whether out loud or in your head"? Here are some of their answers:
- No matter how much your child loves the toys we play with in therapy that does not mean you should go out and buy every one of them.
- Don't be afraid to ask questions or interrupt something you don't understand.
- Be silly!
- You don't deserve to be judged by anyone that works with your kid. If you feel it is not a good fit, then say something.
- Have realistic expectations of your child and their disorder and the time frame in which progress will occur. this means understanding typical development and your child's disorder.
- Read books daily
- Talk, Talk, Break, Talk
- Play.. (I mean sit on the floor and do nothing else) play with your kid.
- Consistency is key.
- I may not have all the answers, but we can work together to find them.
- Please PLEASE take that pacy away from your child.