Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane

One week from today I will be leaving for Orlando for the AG Bell convention.  I have been going to this convention for years now and it never disappoints.  It is 4 days long and every time I am mentally and physically exhausted.  Imagine sitting in a college course for 4 straight days where you are interested in every single thing that is being said.  I'm not complaining at all....just saying that it always shocks me how tired learning more about what you love can be.

I also have to tell that I get a little star struck with some of the famous professionals that will be there.  One year when the convention was in Anaheim, CA I actually met Will Ferrell, Christina Applegate, and Paul Rudd at a party in LA.  I talked to those movie stars no problem, but was nervous to talk to "famous" speech-pathologists that most of you all wouldn't know if they sat down on your couch right now.  Weird...I know.

Here is a link to AG Bell's website.  There is a wealth of information on their site and they offer scholarships to families to help offset the costs incurred by families of children with hearing loss.

If you or your child has a hearing loss I strongly encourage you to become a member of AG Bell. You can try out the membership for free for 6 months.

I just LOVE pictures of implants and hearing aids on kids.  Probably another weird thing about me to most, but I just do!

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